My Story...

Presented as «a singular utopia», Vera Nova’s book «La noble société de Bullford» has something
to enchant readers passionate about science fiction, reverie 

and poetry. Behind this allegory of human society hides a philosophical vision that refers to Plato and other authors that this American author has frequented since her earliest age. 

1. Hello Vera Nova, you are presented as a complete artist, painter, writer and musician. Can you tell us about yourself? First of all, I’d like to thank you for inviting me for this uncommon interview and for your kind attention to my work. Your questions are surprisingly thoughtful and encouraging, unlike those that popular media asks just to fit their preplanned ideas. Who am I? I ask myself this question everyday but still cannot come up with a coherent answer. The geography of places where I have happened to be in my existence are remaining only in my mind. Places and people are unrecognizably changed or gone. (read more)

My original art...